Love Witch’s Valentine

In whispers soft as moonlight's glow,

A Love Witch's heart begins to show.

To you, dear mortal, kind and true,

A spell of Valentine's I brew.

With petals red and magic's touch,

My heart, it flutters, oh so much.

In every potion, spell, and stitch,

Lies a tale of love's bewitching pitch.

So on this day of hearts and cheer,

Know my affection for you is clear.

From witch to mortal, here's my plight,

To be your Valentine tonight.

Welcome, Friendly Mortals

I’m Luna, the hedgewitch, and artist behind the Bewitched Parlor.

Here you’ll find an assortment of rare items sourced from the deepest wells of my imagination.

I challenge you to flaunt your love of fantastical worlds with one of my wares, whether it be a cursed necklace*, a custom hat, or a bewitched mirror!


*curses can be removed at no extra cost

I Solemnly Swear…

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Unique Wares

All of my items are lovingly crafted in small batches and no two items are ever the same! You can also inquire about a comissioned piece here.

Awkward but Nice.

Do you have questions, constructive comments, or just want to chat with a friendly hedgewitch? Feel free to reach me here!